

Blogs by Nagina.Net from Nagin.Net members..

flipkart fired employees

The Bengaluru based e-commerce retail giant, Flipkart is planning to lay-off nearly 700-1000 employees, as they have not been able to perform as per the expectations of the company. According to sources, these employees will be asked either to submit their resignations or they will be lay-off with their severance package.

The sources that have revealed this information are part of the senior management and as per them, “The cleanup is a part of the process of making Flipkart a lean organization.”

tattoo causes cancerTattoos can cause cancer and mutations - and one colour is potentially more toxic than others, according to scientists.

Research by the European Chemicals Agency to be published imminently is investigating possible risks associated with being inked.

Friday, 22 July 2016 12:01

Best shopping markets in Delhi

Sarojini Nagar

Being a capital of India Delhi is full of life and entertainment which offer you some very good opportunities for shopping, so many good shopping Malls are here except them Delhi have so many awesome markets which offer you some really good and unique items. However if we write about all the markets than list will be so long so here we are listing the some best markets. So if you are in Delhi do not forget to visit some of them and you will love it.

rain water harvestingसमूचा विश्व आज जल संकट से त्रस्त है। विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो वर्षा जल संरक्षण इस संकट से उबरने का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत है। इस लिहाज से उत्तराखंड को देखें तो बूंदों को सहेजने की दिशा में सूबा काफी पीछे है। राज्य में प्रतिवर्ष सामान्यतौर पर 1229 मिमी बारिश होती है, लेकिन इसका अधिकांश भाग यह यूं ही जाया हो जाता है। जाहिर है कि बारिश का पानी धरती में न समाने से जलस्रोत रीचार्ज नहीं हो पा रहे और इनके सूखने अथवा जलस्तर में कमी की खबरें सुर्खियां बनती हैं।

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