Blogs by Nagina.Net from Nagin.Net members..
Today’s Your Last Chance For a Free Windows 10 Upgrade
CAN YOU BELIEVE it’s been a year already since Windows 10 launched? We were all so innocent then. But to everything there is a season, and to every promotional period there is an abrupt end. Upgrade Windows 10 today, because tomorrow it’ll cost you dozens of dollars.
Here is Why Flipkart Has Fired 700-1000 Employees
The Bengaluru based e-commerce retail giant, Flipkart is planning to lay-off nearly 700-1000 employees, as they have not been able to perform as per the expectations of the company. According to sources, these employees will be asked either to submit their resignations or they will be lay-off with their severance package.
The sources that have revealed this information are part of the senior management and as per them, “The cleanup is a part of the process of making Flipkart a lean organization.”
Tattoos can cause cancer – with one colour potentially more toxic than others, study says
Tattoos can cause cancer and mutations - and one colour is potentially more toxic than others, according to scientists.
Research by the European Chemicals Agency to be published imminently is investigating possible risks associated with being inked.
Best shopping markets in Delhi
Being a capital of India Delhi is full of life and entertainment which offer you some very good opportunities for shopping, so many good shopping Malls are here except them Delhi have so many awesome markets which offer you some really good and unique items. However if we write about all the markets than list will be so long so here we are listing the some best markets. So if you are in Delhi do not forget to visit some of them and you will love it.
वर्षा जल संरक्षण
समूचा विश्व आज जल संकट से त्रस्त है। विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो वर्षा जल संरक्षण इस संकट से उबरने का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत है। इस लिहाज से उत्तराखंड को देखें तो बूंदों को सहेजने की दिशा में सूबा काफी पीछे है। राज्य में प्रतिवर्ष सामान्यतौर पर 1229 मिमी बारिश होती है, लेकिन इसका अधिकांश भाग यह यूं ही जाया हो जाता है। जाहिर है कि बारिश का पानी धरती में न समाने से जलस्रोत रीचार्ज नहीं हो पा रहे और इनके सूखने अथवा जलस्तर में कमी की खबरें सुर्खियां बनती हैं।
सिर्फ 70 रु. में खाना और 200 रु. में होटल, बेहद सस्ता हैं इन खूबसूरत देशों में घूमना
यहां न सिर्फ आपको रहना सस्ता पड़ेगा बल्कि आप लजीज व्यंजनों का भी सस्ते में आनंद उठा सकते हैं।
अगर आप घूमने के शौकीन हैं तो फिर ये खबर आपके शौक को पंख लगा देगी। आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसे देशों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जहां आपका पार्टनर भी खुश हो जाएगा और आपकी जेब भी ज्यादा खाली नहीं होगी। क्योंकि, यहां न सिर्फ आपको रहना सस्ता पड़ेगा बल्कि आप लजीज व्यंजनों का भी सस्ते में आनंद उठा सकते हैं। तो चलिए, आज आपको करवाते हैं ऐसे देशों की सैर...
Quitting a Bad Habit (A Brief Guide)
There aren’t many of us who don’t have some bad habit we’d like to quit: smoking, sweets, shopping, nail-biting, porn, excessive checking of phones or social media, other distractions …
The problem is that we think we don’t have the willpower, faced with past evidence of failure after failure when we’ve tried to quit before.
We don’t think we can quit, so we don’t even try. Or if we do try, we give ourselves an “out,” and don’t fully commit ourselves.
Let me tell you this: quitting a bad habit takes everything you’ve got.
That's the naked truth of our education system. All my school life, I have recursively been told that “if you don't study, you won't survive”, and I can bet that majority of students have been told the same and are still being told to do the same. And I must say with great regret, that it is somewhat true. If you do not have a degree in India, and you come in the average category, you are ruined. You will have no place to go to. You won’t be having enough money to start your own business and without a degree, you won't get any opportunities to apply for jobs, regardless of the fact whether you are capable or not. According to me, education is a learning process and it’s not just the degree that a person holds but the actual knowledge that he carries with him. Education is not bound to the bookish knowledge, it’s definitely more than that. If the basic foundation of our education system is fear, than how can we expect our youth to excel in it?