Current happenings near and at Nagina city..
गायब हो गई नगीना-रायपुर रोड
रायपुर सादात : नगीना-रायपुर मार्ग पिछले पांच वर्षों से पूरी तरह ध्वस्त पड़ा है। क्षेत्रवासी इस मार्ग के कारण नारकीय जीवन गुजार रहे हैं। बरसात में तो इस मार्ग ने पूरी तरह गड्ढों का रूप धारण कर लिया है। बेलड़ी के समीप बुंदकी तिराहे से रायपुर, कोटकादर, लालवाला व आगे कोटद्वार तक यह मार्ग पूरी तरह अपनी पहचान खो चुका है।
Kickass Torrent's alleged owner arrested for Copyright Infringement, site goes offline
Ukrainian national Artem Vaulin (30), the alleged owner of owner of the most-visited illegal file-sharing website Kickass Torrents or KAT, was arrested in Poland over charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering, criminal copyright infringement and unlawful distribution of copyright materials on the website.
The arrest was announced in a statement by the US Justice Department's criminal division on Wednesday.
घास की खेती उगल रही मुनाफे का तेल
देवेंद्र चौधरी, नहटौर : गन्ना बेल्ट कही जाने वाली वेस्ट यूपी की धरती पर घास मुनाफे का साबित हुई है। ग्राम दबखेड़ी सलार के किसान जितेंद्र चौधरी बदलाव की इस बयार के वाहक बने हैं। अलग-अलग किस्मों की घास उगाते हुए वह उनसे निकलने वाले तेल को बेहतर आमदनी का जरिया बना रहे हैं। दर्द निवारक औषधीय उत्पादों के साथ ही सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों में इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले इन तेलों की बड़ी मांग है। इसके लिए पूरा शोधन संयत्र विकसित करते हुए वह आत्मनिर्भरता की डगर पर अग्रसर हैं।
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Rohit Khandelwal Crowned Mr World 2016, Becomes The First Indian To Win The Title
For the first time in the history of Mr World championship, an Indian has won the title. During a grand ceremony on Tuesday at Southport Theatre, Southport, Rohit Khandelwal, who had earlier won the prestigious Provogue Personal Care Mr India World 2015 went on to win this prestigious title.
Deceased girl’s kin block Nagina-Bijnor road for second day
The family members of the 14-year-old girl, whose body was found on a railway track in Chamrawala area in Bijnor on Wednesday, blocked the Nagina-Bijnor road for the second day in protest, claiming that their daughter did not commit suicide, but was murdered. The deceased's female friend, who was found unconscious on the same spot, was arrested on Wednesday night. She, along with two unidentified persons, were booked under Section 302 and 364 of the IPC.
Police said that the deceased's kin again blocked the road on Thursday as her body was taken to her residence after postmortem in All Saray mohalla in Nagina. The situation got tense after which cops had to resort to a mild lathi-charge to disperse the mob. In response, the mob pelted stones at the police. However, nobody was injured.
The agitators, who have been demanding compensation for the affected family, later returned, but did not protest for long and eventually allowed traffic movement on the road.
In the evening, the deceased's body was buried.
According to ASP Dharamveer Singh, "We are investigating the matter. A case has been registered against the victim's friend and two unidentified persons. Police are questioning her, but she is afraid and is refusing to tell anything." Singh added that some people pelted stones at the police, but nobody was injured. Police have recorded the agitation and cases will be lodged against the agitators.